The other day a print representative dropped by with proofs for a local Ottawa branding project I am working on. It was his first time driving to the house I recently moved into.
Our brief conversation reminded me just how varied perceptions and motivations can be from person to person.
A key reason for my recent move was because the new home is on a dead-end street. I was motivated by the promise of less traffic, and, therefore, a quieter street for my daughter to play near. I view the dead-end as a strength.
The print representatives’ perception was entirely different. He commented on how the dead-end makes it harder to get back to the main street—he is motivated by getting quickly from one meeting to another. He sees the dead-end as a weakness.
Every product and service has a potentially different audience. Great branding is about understanding your particular audiences motivations and perceptions and taking advantage of the opportunities your brand has to speak clearly to them.
To do this effectively, every brand needs to make decisions regarding when to say “we don’t do that.” Your brand must embrace characteristics that some individuals will perceive as a ‘dead end.’ A brand has to do this to benefit from what your actual audience views as a strength.
I love my dead-end street with the same passion people must feel for any brand to matter. Are you embracing your unique nature, and encouraging this kind of passion for your brand?