Letterpress business cards and new logo for Ottawa’s N45 Architecture

N45 Architecture Inc. (Ottawa, Canada) commissioned idApostle to develop their branding after coming across the business cards I designed for Alteriors. The project has included logo design, stationery, a website, and these letterpress business cards. Letterpress Business card front for Ottawa's N45 Architecture by Graphic Designer idApostle

The front of the card was printed using three letterpress inks.

Letterpress Business card back for Ottawa's N45 Architecture by Graphic Designer idApostle

The back of the card was first printed using a traditional offset method to ensure a consistent green background. The green cards were then run through a letterpress for the black ink.

These tactile cards are informed by the design aesthetic of N45 Architecture and convey their attention to detail. The logo references a speech bubble, and a top-down view of a building with an open door—at a 45-degree angle to reinforce the company name. I will post more about the logo design when I add the project to my portfolio shortly. The introduction of horizontal lines creates another speech bubble referencing an ongoing conversation.

The card front and back were printed by Studio on Fire on separate sheets of paper and then duplexed together to create an extra thick card. Letterpress Business card edge painting for Ottawa's N45 Architecture by Graphic Designer idApostle

All four edges of the cards were edge coloured.

Letterpress printing has such an incredible energy, and these cards are an appropriate and vibrant reflection of N45 Architecture.

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