Product M branding for New York-based product marketing company by Ottawa graphic designer idApostle

Product M: Naming, logo design and branding for product marketing company



Company naming
Art direction
Logo design
Web design


Product M is a New York-based product marketing company offering a unique combination of enterprise-level product marketing experience with a deep understanding of the ad tech ecosystem.

idApostle developed the company name, a memorable and shorthand play on the term product marketing that also conjures up thoughts about secret projects or missions—project x or product x. The tagline ‘Product marketing bridges’ reflects the process of Product M connecting the dots, bridging the gaps, and aligning market opportunities and customer needs with product and service offerings. The logo reflects the complexity and challenges of successfully bringing a product to market. Its structure results from thoughtfully placed elements coming together, representing a solid framework and course of action.

Product M logo for New York-based product marketing company by Ottawa graphic designer idApostle

Product M tagline for New York-based product marketing company by Ottawa graphic designer idApostle

Product M business card for New York-based product marketing company by Ottawa graphic designer idApostle

Product M business card for New York-based product marketing company by Ottawa graphic designer idApostle

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